Friday, 10 June 2011

My Most Prized Possession


I'm pretty sure that everyone I know owns a Pandora bracelet, they were all the rage when I was at University and I desperately wanted one for my 21st birthday. My mum and bought me the bracelet and first two charms and then family and friends bought me a whole bunch of charms. I had barely opened the box before I had about 7 charms to add to it, it was brilliant. I was scared it would look a bit rubbish with only a couple of charms, but no, it looked fabulous from day one.

I won't bore you with a description of every single charm, but thought I'd take some photos to show you all a few of my favourites.




This bracelet means more to me than any other piece of jewellery because when I wear it I have my mum, dad, nana, Ryan and my friends all with me. It sounds stupid but it reminds me how supported I am by everyone, and for that I am truly grateful.

Do you have a Pandora bracelet? Do you have something else that gives you confidence when you wear it? I'd love to hear your thoughts.


MISS LUCY... said...

Love this. I have a Pandora and I'm aware that now everyone has them and they're a bit less 'cool' but I feel the same, that every charm on there was a gift from someone who means a lot to me. I have the cat and the graduation cap too! x

Lauren said...

Oooh pretty! I have one silver bracelet that I wear all the time that a friend made for me. It has the text 'keep on keepin' on' hammered into it.

Laura said...

Thanks for your comments :D

I feel exactly the same Lucy, even if someone had the exact same bracelet and charms as me, mine would still be so personal and I'd have a story behind each charm. I love it :)

Lolo - Aw, that sounds lovely!x

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